5 Chemical industry zones
Cutting-edge research
Location: High-threshold SEVESO site
Leading sectors: Ceramic technologies, nanostructured materials, thermo-structural composites
Four Reasons to set up in Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Companies Doing Business Here
Specialized Partners for Your Project
Several organizations specialized in innovation, research and development are present in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. This dynamic ecosystem provides a vector of opportunities for businesses in the implementation of their project and their business! Networks, partners, product innovation support, are among the many services and areas of expertise provided by these stakeholders to support the development of your business.
- LCTS: Thermo-structural composites
- SPCTS: Ceramic processes and surface treatment
- IPRA: Petroleum sector. Joint teams with TOTAL and INRIA
- IC2MP: Chemistry of milieus and materials
- LOF: Laboratory of the future, linking Solvay, CNRS, University of Bordeaux
- LCPO: Organic polymer chemistry
- IPREM: Analytical and physical chemistry for environmental and materials sciences
- ISM: Molecular and materials chemistry
- ICMCB: Chemistry of condensed matter
- GEMH: Heterogeneous materials
- PPRIME: Quality and strength of materials
- LaSIE: Deterioration of materials
- LCSN: Valorization of natural substances
- Increase: Collaborative network of academic laboratories dedicated to the enhancement of lignocellulosic biomass
- PIC: Joint laboratory of ESPCI, Total, and UPMC dedicated to the physical chemistry of complex interfaces
Technology Platforms
- CANOE: Fiber and carbon, composites, robotization, additive manufacturing, formulation of resin, analysis and control
- Compositadour: Robotic methods of implementation of composite materials
- Rescoll: Industrial applications of polymer materials
- CTTC: Ceramic technologies
- IANESCO: Chemistry
- APESA: Eco-innovation and environmental assessment
- CVA: Valorization of agri-resources, eco-extraction
- Xylochem: Chemistry and bio-refinery of wood
- CITRA: Advanced surfaces treatments and coatings
- Placamat: Characterization of materials
- FCBA: Forest products, cellulose, wood, furniture
- ITERG: Lipids
- Nobatek: Sustainable construction
- Elorprintect: Printable organic systems and devices
- Pôle Européen de la Céramique: Technical ceramics
- Xylofutur: Processing wood materials and fiber chemistry (biofuels, nano-cellulose, composite materials)
- Agri-Sud Ouest Innovation: Agri-refining
Clusters / Business Networks
- Aquitaine Chimie Durable: Ecological chemistry and materials
- Pôle Polymère Sud: Plastic materials, composites, plastic processing
- Institut de la chimie verte: Fine chemistry, green chemistry, plant chemistry, chemistry of renewable carbon, chemistry of recycling
- Union des Industries Chimiques: Chemical industry professional association
- Plastalliance: Plastics and composites
- UIMM: Metallurgy professions
- UFPL: Porcelain manufacturers
- CICF: Ceramics industries of France
- UIC: Chemistry
- Plasti Ouest: Plastic processing
- ENSIL-ENSCI: Engineering school specializing in materials
- Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux – ENSCBP: Engineering school specialized in chemistry, materials and composites
- IUT/Licences professionnelles: Engineering of materials, development of plant resources
- Université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour (IdEx/I-SITE): Petroleum engineering, materials, analytical chemistry
- Greta Sud Aquitaine: Customized training courses
Selection of Sites Dedicated to CHEMISTRY AND ADVANCED MATERIALS
Our Services to Companies
| Business Environment
We will send you the information you need to study the feasibility of your project in Nouvelle-Aquitaine (supply of raw materials, market data, subcontractors, R&D partners, etc.).
| Real-Estate Solutions
We look for, select and present real-estate offers suited to your specifications. You can send us your search criteria and we take care of the rest in strict confidentially!
| Financing and Public Aid
Various programs are available to obtain the financing necessary for your business set-up. We can introduce you to our experts in financial engineering who will study the available public or private solutions.
| Networking
We open our network and put you in relation with the key stakeholders for your project. Our proximity to regional partners will enable you to fast-track the execution of your business set-up!
| Administrative Procedures
We know that certain procedures can be complex, so we activate our network to facilitate your installation. We mobilize various players according to your needs and your timetable.
Une région accessible
Frontalière avec l’Espagne, la Nouvelle-Aquitaine bénéficie d’une position stratégique sur le corridor logistique Nord-Sud européen.
Dotée d’un réseau de transports diversifié et moderne, la région est facilement accessible depuis les capitales économiques françaises et européennes, permettant aux entreprises d’être à proximité de leurs marchés :
- 11 aéroports dont 7 internationaux
- Plus de 60 liaisons internationales quotidiennes ou hebdomadaires
- Nombre de lignes low-cost en croissance
Réseau ferré et autoroutier
- LGV SEA (Bordeaux > Paris en 2h)
- Réseaux autoroutiers nord-sud et est-ouest
- 4 ports de commerce
- 300 ports desservis dans le monde