5 French Tech Labels
Start-up dedicated programs
50% of jobs and revenues in France
Leading Region for job growth
Four Reasons to set up in Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Companies Doing Business Here
Specialized Partners for Your Project
Several organizations specialized in innovation, research and development are present in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. This dynamic ecosystem provides a vector of opportunities for businesses in the implementation of their project and their business! Networks, partners, product innovation support, are among the many services and areas of expertise provided by these stakeholders to support the development of your business.
- Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI): imagery and sound, media and algorithms for high-performance digital applications
- INRIA : algorithms, programming, software and architectures
- Mathematics, Imagery and Applications
Technology platforms
- CRITT Informatique : numerical simulation and augmented reality
- Centre Aquitain des Technologies de l’Information et Electroniques (CATIE) : digital solutions, digital objects
- ALPHA – Route des Lasers & des Hyperfréquences: digital interfaces, image synthesis and processing, sharing and securing data, intelligent communicating objects
Clusters / Business networks
- Pôle Image Magelis: digital design and digital imagery, video game animation, virtual reality
- ALIPTIC: providing digital solutions to businesses, support for innovative projects
- SPN: supporting digital businesses for innovation, international expansion, business development
- Aquinetic: open software and technologies
- Digital Aquitaine: e-Health, intelligent transport, connected commerce
- Bordeaux games: gaming, serious gaming
- TOPOS: intelligent transport
- 16,000 images: association of sound and imagery professionals
- Valconum: European Center of digital enhancement
- Pays basque digital: software publishing, digital services
- Cluster TIC Santé: health, ICT
- Club Commerce Connecté: connected commerce network
- Digital Bay: accompanies digital transformation and innovative digital projects
- Inoo: digital cluster in Lot et Garonne
- ASEISO: association of digital stakeholders
- AQUINUM: associations of digital professionals
- CLUSIR AQUITAINE: cyber-security
- Ecom33: connected commerce
- Syrpin: regional association of IT and digital professionals
- Dorsal: public development of superfast broadband
- Pôle Image Magelis: major European training center – 20 training programs in imagery
- Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Cognitique: artificial or augmented cognition, digital technologies and their uses, advanced and human interfaces enhanced by digital technology
- ESTIA: digital design, image processing
- Université de Limoges: sensory web design and online creation strategy
- Ecole nationale du jeu et des médias interactifs numériques (ENJMIN): game design, visual/sound design, ergonomics, programming
- Ecole des Métiers du Cinéma d’Animation (EMCA): drawing, storyboard, animation, IT tools
- Human academy: Japanese school dedicated to video games and animated mangas
- Université de la Rochelle: digital security, multimedia, games, interactive media
Selection of Sites Dedicated to Digital sector
Our Services to Companies
| Business Environment
We will send you the information you need to study the feasibility of your project in Nouvelle-Aquitaine (supply of raw materials, market data, subcontractors, R&D partners, etc.).
| Real-Estate Solutions
We look for, select and present real-estate offers suited to your specifications. You can send us your search criteria and we take care of the rest in strict confidentially!
| Financing and Public Aid
Various programs are available to obtain the financing necessary for your business set-up. We can introduce you to our experts in financial engineering who will study the available public or private solutions.
| Networking
We open our network and put you in relation with the key stakeholders for your project. Our proximity to regional partners will enable you to fast-track the execution of your business set-up!
| Administrative Procedures
We know that certain procedures can be complex, so we activate our network to facilitate your installation. We mobilize various players according to your needs and your timetable.
Une région accessible
Frontalière avec l’Espagne, la Nouvelle-Aquitaine bénéficie d’une position stratégique sur le corridor logistique Nord-Sud européen.
Dotée d’un réseau de transports diversifié et moderne, la région est facilement accessible depuis les capitales économiques françaises et européennes, permettant aux entreprises d’être à proximité de leurs marchés :
- 11 aéroports dont 7 internationaux
- Plus de 60 liaisons internationales quotidiennes ou hebdomadaires
- Nombre de lignes low-cost en croissance
Réseau ferré et autoroutier
- LGV SEA (Bordeaux > Paris en 2h)
- Réseaux autoroutiers nord-sud et est-ouest
- 4 ports de commerce
- 300 ports desservis dans le monde